In order to achieve company goals, transparent and accountable governance and management are needed. To guarantee the principles of good corporate governance in the regulation and management of changes in authority, it is necessary to emphasize in a decision of the Board of Directors.
Decree of the Board of Directors of PT KBN Prima Logistik has been issued Number 02 / SKD / KBN-PL.3.1 / 01/2020 concerning Governance Authority at PT KBN Prima Logistik.
The company has also carried out various "management tools" in order to achieve corporate management in a transparent, accountable, fair, responsible and professional manner.
The management tools include:
In the situation of global business competition, such as the business field of PT KBN Prima Logistik (Persero), an evaluation of the organization and system that is tailored to the needs is always carried out, as well as the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG).
With this adjustment, the company's management program and system improvement have been achieved, including:
- Transportation, warehousing, container depot and document management activities at PT KBN Prima Logistik have been able to improve the company's services and revenues;
- Carry out services to customers, including:
- Services for transporting customers' goods are carried out 24 hours a day;
- The availability of conveyances and mechanical devices that are ready to use to serve customers;
Good corporate governance is a principle that underlies the achievement of the company's vision and mission. The philosophy of these principles, namely, transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness.
The implementation of GCG includes:
- The targets to be achieved by the company are spelled out in the RKAP prepared by involving all elements from all work units and determined in the RUPS;
- To realize the achievement of targets and compliance with applicable regulations, monthly evaluations are conducted regularly;
- Publish periodic financial statements and operational activities of the company that are distributed to shareholders in a timely manner;
- Carry out payment of obligations in the field of taxation in accordance with applicable regulations;
Increase efficiency and effectiveness and optimization in all fields;
- Establish a procurement control system;
- Establish governance authority in accordance with the new company organizational structure and changes according to company development;
- Setting company targets, targets and culture in an effort to achieve the company's vision and mission, which are set out to be the targets and quality targets of each work unit;
- Establish staffing regulations covering the process of HR development, HR maintenance, awarding HR, and provisions regarding the relationship between employees and the company;
- Service to customers is based on the principles of excellent service (total quality service);
In line with the implementation of corporate governance (corporate governance), the efforts made are:
- Establish and disseminate the quality policy and quality objectives of the company as well as the quality culture, which in turn the leadership and all employees of PT KBN Prima Logistik are determined to realize the company's vision and mission, through the following efforts:
- Focus on service
Increase customer satisfaction in all aspects of the services offered by the company, through fulfilling customer requirements and expectations, applicable laws and regulations and increasing employee professionalism.
- Applying the principle of good corporate governance (Good Corporate Governance)
Applying the principles of good corporate governance: transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness.